Monday, March 23, 2009


Have you ever noticed the awesome ORANGE? If you look closely you'll notice that God has wrapped it for you just like you'd find your food packaged at the store...only God's packing is completely biodegradeable and useful in all sorts of things! Secondly you'll find beyond the peel that God has individually wrapped each delicious slice for you. Each one is coated with a thin membrane that easily separates so you can eat it! And what about that delicious taste...did you realize that you could have something completely edible yet it might taste atrocious! God put such a great taste to your food that you actually want to eat it!

You'll notice that LIGHT is shining through our orange slice picture...did you know that God created the light as well? In fact light is made up of photons. Now unless God had given you a retina within your amazingly complex eye that could detect and then transmit photon data as nerve impulses to your complex brain for decoding, you wouldn't even know what light was! However since we have it, isn't it interesting to note that light moves incredibly fast? In fact it's important that it move as fast as it does on a practical level...for instance if I step into the street and a car is coming, I'd better have light from that vehicle transmitted at 186,000 miles per second to my eye so I'll have time to do something about my horrible situation! God is our amazing CREATOR folks...shouldn't we glorify him as such?!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey guys, take a look at this picture! If you went on a trip to mars and found this android there what would you conclude?

  1. Would you conclude that someone had designed and built it, a creator of very high intelligence?

  2. Or would you conclude that it must have evolved from the metals naturally found within the bedrock through a process taking millions--perhaps even billions of years--through which it became gradually more and more like the android you saw before you.

  3. Perhaps you might even find other things like an iron frying pan, a hammer, a toaster, a calculator and a laptop computer all buried in the rock. Wouldn't that give you enough prood to conclude that one led to the other by natural selection and eventually the android came into being?

Of course only a very foolish person would believe such a thing, but now think about if you went to Mars and found a human being there...would you conclude that all of these foolish notions were true of the MORE COMPLEX, LIVING human being, or would you be forced to conclude that some very intelligent creator had designed and formed (built) that human being and placed him there within a perfectly suited environment to sustain that life?

The answer of course is obvious, but why do you suppose we choose the foolish ideas to follow here on planet Earth? Could it be that someone doesn't want you to believe in that Creator? Could it be that they don't want to be accountable to him or submit to his authority and so they've fashioned lies to soothe their burning conscience and lull you into a false sense of security? Just something to think about...because if that Great God and Creator is really there and you don't realize what he requires of you, then you're in big trouble when death takes you to meet him face to face.